Illustration may be the best way to give any campaign a fresh look. Why settle for contrived stock images? Try a more artistic interpretation to distance yourself from the competitors. Here are some examples that may inspire you to reach for your own pen and paper! All images courtesy of
Since our last posting caused a lot of controversy about things being photoshopped we decided to dedicate this next post to all things photoshopped! We decided to "shop around" and find some of the best pieces that used photoshop to its finest! Using photoshop can be very effective in some cases, and in others can go horribly wrong. Designers have mastered the way photoshop can be used in all aspects of their work. Even the everyday person can use photoshop to crop those family photos, brighten up the contrast, change the coloring, or even have fun with those filters that it offers (who wouldn't want to plastic wrap/lens flare/gaussian blur their dog?). Photoshop opens up new doors to the design world, but one must be careful to not get caught up in the craziness and go overboard. For these next pieces we will let you be the judge on whether the creators stayed on board or "jumped ship."
This holiday weekend we know that many of you will be on the roads traveling. We decided to brighten up your travels with our next blog. We found these great truck advertising designs that definitely jazz up the roads. We have mentioned before that design can be seen everywhere you look, so why not on the side of a semi truck! These next designs may stop traffic, but they are totally worth it! The photos have all been found from a great blog called "Outlaw Design Blog". Visit their site to see more
We are all graphic designers who work at JB Chicago. This blog will show everyone what we are all about, our inside thoughts as designers, things we love, things we hate, and most of all what inspires us to do great work. So with that said... let's cut to the paste already! Enjoy.